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Friday, October 21, 2011

Good morning!

Yesterday was one of those typically Canadian days for "weather." I woke to strong wind and rain. Then the sun came out. Then there was more wind and rain. And so it went, all day long.
It was clearing again when Aaron and I headed home after getting our flu shots. This is the bridge to Ogdensburg, NY. I am always intrigued by how it changes in the light or pays against a cloudy sky. On this day however there were no cars behind me so I was able to pull off and take a picture of it.
Once home again, I whipped up some "Mexican Wedding Cakes" as they are called in the Better Homes & gardens Cookies For Kids cookbook. We always called them "snowballs." (Sorry, one shouldn't speak prematurely of the dreaded white stuff.)
Miss Sharon came for a visit which made Odelia and Gumdrop very happy. Me too. She brought along something very special from Miss Rosa. That however deserves a separate post.
Have a great day!

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