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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bluenose II Stops In Prescott / Baby Bird Update

Last week the Bluenose was docked in Prescott. I didn't realise it until after it left. However it was on her return journey and is here until tomorrow morning, when it heads off to Cornwall.
Last night we waited for a long time for it to arrive and dock, but after a couple of passes we decided to come again today. Meaghan and Joshua were very interested in getting on the boat so they spent the morning hanging about until noon when they finally let folks wander about on deck.
The weather was perfect! There was a good crowd there too.
Here are the baby Sparrows today. They can open their eyes now. It's a lovely little nest, however, the mother poops all around the edge of while looking after her young, rendering useless to me once it is vacated.

1 comment:

Ronna said...

Love the pix of the Bluenose!


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