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Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Sorry it's been a few days between postings but this time of year is filled with preparations for school. A whole lot of hurry up and wait mostly. The mail did bring a backorder from Prima which was a nice surprise. The "Tea and Silk" brads are my personal favourite.
I found a number of these recently and am adding them to the Shoppe as well. They are made by the Reliable Toy Co. of Canada. Many years ago, I aspired to write a book on the hard plastic toy industry in Canada and was able to take of tour of the old factory, with my dad. Now there's a place filled with creative fodder of the rusty, historical kind! Alas, that dream was never realised but someone else, did a very good job of writing several books on Canadian dolls.

These were in my order as well. They are just gorgeous.

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