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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Little Creativity

Here is a journal page I created. It's a first for me. This is out of my comfort zone but it was fun to try and rather relaxing. (I loved how the pencil ran along the gesso'd page and spent most of my time just writing)
As a young person I kept a journal on and off for years but looking back it was filled with the usual self-indulgent thoughts of someone immature and insecure. I got rid of them and decided to not keep a "diary" anymore. Now, art journaling is a whole different story. It feeds the soul and fills the need to create when there isn't time for full-out projects.
Here is the card I made for Joshua's 19th birthday. As I mentioned before he is the only one who actually wants me to make him a special card each year and he keeps them out all year long, adding to his collection of "mom's art" annually.


Craftymoose Crafts said...

It's so nice that your son appreciates and wants your artwork!

Ronna said...

Love the card! Are you now keeping an art journal? Do tell...

Jennifer Pearson Vanier said...

I often think about creating an art journal. Haven't officially begun one, yet. Sometimes I think I ought to "complete" the albums that our art journal round robins were in first. Continuing the theme, so to speak.

Susan Williamson said...

I've always wanted to try the gesso journal thing and now you've inspired me to just do it!


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