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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Best Laid Plans

We had planned to head off to Ottawa for dinner at The Works to celebrate Joshua's birthday, however the car had other ideas so we decided to create a "Works" meal at home. Not too challenging really. Just go wild with your burger mix and toppings. It was also our first BBQ of the season. Nice.

One thing we do enjoy eating at the Works is their tower of rings. It was suggested we might try to make our own. I haven't used the deep fryer in a dozen years! A little research and we came up with a simple batter for the onion rings and went for it! It was simple and fun. They tasted great too. Definitely NOT something you want to do every day but once every decade or so is fine I am sure.
The burgers are ground pork, with sauteed onions, celery, yellow peppers, egg, oatmeal, seasonings, and dried cranberries. Yummy.
Marty wanted pasta salad so I whipped some of that up too.
They guys all voted for root beer floats. A celebration indeed!

1 comment:

Nichola said...

Huzzah for root beer floats! I LOVE them and was totally aghast when none of the kids at my sons birthday party wanted one. Silly kids.


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