Where Bloggers Create Party 2013. Tour my current studio here.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Parting Shots

With the cold weather coming and no heat in the Milkhouse at this point, we have decided it is best to close it until spring. So, at the end of November we will shut it down. There is still some time to drop by for a visit though.
During the winter I have many ideas for creating more interesting stuff. So, here are few parting shots of what's inside...

There is something for the paper loving artist as well as those prefer to work in fabric.
I've gathered a variety of items that make for great collage fodder and grouped things so they are easy to find and poke through. There are also a few hundred antique postcards, vintage greeting cards, bridge tallies, and old labels.
There is so much more too. Books, linens, vintage clothing, quilts and a bit of glass too. There will be much more to see in the spring. Until then, happy creating!

1 comment:

Susan Williamson said...

I am definitely coming for a store visit in the spring...i.e. don't sell anything until then!


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