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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sweet Surprises

The mail today brought a card for a parcel. Every time we get a card my son says, "Maybe it Kathrin's parcel." Kathrin is our "Swiss daughter" who came to us on an exchange many years ago. She was with us for a year. It was a perfect match as exchanges go and we still keep in touch all these years later.
Well, indeed it was Kathrin's parcel and along with some baking parchment and a copy of the Secrets of Roan Innish (I love that movie) there were a variety of chocolate bars and a box of assorted delights. This is a wonderful surprise and it will take a long time to go through all this chocolate, however, when things get tough, we have the good stuff, to help us along. You can't beat Swiss chocolate. When she stayed with us there was chocolate almost every day. My youngest son was five when she came to be with us and she cultivated a taste for the fine chocolate in him. Her Canadian favourites were Tim Horton's doughnuts and O Henry chocolate bars which we still send her way when possible.
Thanks Kathrin. You've made a long winter a little brighter.

1 comment:

pungsnotded said...

How cool that you still keep in touch!


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