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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Yard Sale Day

We participated in a street sale this weekend. There are always things you can find to get rid of, even though we did a huge purge last summer. It was also an opportunity to have new people see the shop as they were here anyway. We met several new and very pleasant couples and even made some shop sales. The yard sale did fairly well too. Today we hauled away much of the remaining items to the Goodwill.
This is the big find from last weekend. Steel "cubbies!" It will need a fresh coat of paint but don't you just love the possibilities? I just love the studio shots of lovely old glassed-in bookcases and printers and document cabinets in lovely warm woods, however, this is more what I seem to find in my travels. I call it "Eclectic Industrial."
Joshua had to work early Saturday morning, so I volunteered to drive him in so I could hit the sales on our road on the way back home. I was thrilled to find these steel bins at our first stop. They are solid and spacious and they stack! Don't you just love industrial storage? They get painted too. There are even label holders on the front of each bin to identify what's inside, and big handles on the back sides.
One family put all their leftovers by the road with a big "free" sign in front. At the end of the day, Joshua picked up a steel stool, a workbench, and a wall unit that fit perfectly in his room. He spent the evening rearranging his space and now things look much tidier and pulled together. The price was right!

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