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Monday, June 9, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!

My guys got together and bought me these two books. I have been looking at these for years now. The top book is a wonderful volume from Parke-Harrison, a husband/wife couple who create these great pictures with an other-worldly feel to them. The bottom one is a wonderful volume of Joseph Cornell's work and life. The DVD-ROM can fill hours of your time just exploring his pieces!
My mom is always finding neat stuff! This is what I got this year. I love the old Victorian photo albums. the large one has a celluloid cover and the smaller one has the most wonderful tooling. One had a tin type in it. There is a Sunbonnet Babies silk handkerchief and a book on paper making. The memorial card is exquisite! I've had it for a while now but just had to share it with you. If you click o the picture, you can see things close up.
This beautiful little china head was a dear surprise. Her elaborate hairdo and pierced ears make her special indeed!

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