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Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Fresh Start for a Lovely Lady

A while back this sweet china doll came into my life with a broken shoulder plate, and her arms and a leg needed to be reattached. The poor thing had not a stitch to wear either.
Well, this weekend, in the midst of cleaning, baking, sending two family members off on a three day trip, preparing for company, and driving our young folk to and from work, I finally took a bit of "me" time and put her to rights.
Her scars are well-hidden now. Her limbs secure. I was happy to find that I had some lovely pieces that actually fit her from some other doll that no longer needs them.
She is looking forward to joining the rest of the girls for some respectable conversation and perhaps some tea.


Fete et Fleur said...

You did a marvelous job Jennifer. She looks perfect!


Susan Williamson said...

Oh she's precious Jennifer. It's obvious that living with you is the best thing that's happened to her.


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