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Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Lovely Surprise!

I received an invitation to submit up to four pieces of art to the local gallery for a juried show. I figured, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I got the call yesterday saying that none of my pieces made it into the show and that I could pick them up today. So, mildly disappointed, but not really surprised, off we went to gather my work and bring it home.
As we walked past one of the cases to the room where the art was, I noticed this piece was indeed in the case, and thus, in the show. Nice surprise!
So, for the month of August, this dear assemblage will be displayed with a whole lot of other really neat art at the Marian van Silfhout Gallery at St. Lawrence College in Brockville. Too cool!


Ronna said...


Dale said...

How fabulous for you! Congratulations :).

Bonni said...

Awesome news, Jennifer!!

I am SO going over there to fawn and carry-on and ask why, in heaven's name, were there not other of this artist's pieces in the show?!

Just kidding...only if the gallery manager is there. :-p


Jenny said...

Congratulations! Good for you for taking the plunge and risking rejection. It's a great collage and lots of people will enjoy it.


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