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Monday, August 2, 2010

Vacation Time

While Marty was home, we got a lot of little and big jobs done around the property. I use the term "we" loosely. I kept them all fed and the boys and Marty did much of the actual work.

From the two tandem loads of logs that we had dumped here (over the six years we have been here) for cutting and splitting into firewood, Marty held back a number of big, straight logs to turn into lumber. Sixteen of them. The issue was finding someone with a portable sawmill to come out and do it.

Once they found someone with a portable mill it was just a matter of gittin' 'er done. That took from 9AM to 5Pm. A long day for all concerned.

The boys helped by taking the boards off as soon as they were cut to keep things moving along as fast as possible. The logs were large and hardwood is, well, hard. It was a slow and steady process.

Here are the fruits of their labours. All neatly stacked to finish drying. Marty is looking forward to building some nice furniture with this!
I just like the way it looks, all neat and tidy.

The guys are out there now cutting the last of the "waste" to stack along with the rest of of our firewood.

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