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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Vacation's Over

Well, it was great while it lasted. Each year Marty heads to Windsor (if you think it was hot in Eastern Ontario, then try Windsor, it's usually hot/humid all summer there and this season was much hotter & humid!!) to visit his family: eight brothers and sisters, their spouses, his folks, a cousin, and 19 nieces and nephews.
I get to stay home, watch the dogs and wallow in a few days of leisurely peace and quiet, enjoying undisturbed studio time, the house remaining clean for the duration, and visits from friends. It's a wonderful arrangement.
Well, the guys got back last night and so we return to the usual routine and prepare to show the house again this weekend.

I did make great strides on clearing out more stuff and adding it to the Milkhouse.
Did a little primping and arranging too.

Have a great day!

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