It was a lovely weekend. Great for drives in the country, stopping at a few yard sales, just soaking up some sunshine and relaxing. The animals were keeping cool.
The chickens were happy on top of a pile of dirt.
We gave Gumdrop and Odelia each a raw meat bone. Gumdrop thoroughly enjoyed hers straight from the start.
Obviously Odelia though it a precious and guilty treasure as she just left it on the patio for a while and the next time she went out took off with it.
We watched her wander about for a long while and finally found a spot to hide it. Normally she likes to put such things under our pillows but I wasn't keen discovering this at bedtime. She tucked it under the bench.
We then watched with amazement as she used her nose to cover it up with dirt and leaves. Well-hidden, she thought. I brought it in and put it in a bag in the fridge for the night. I am sure that some other animal would be thrilled to "find" this while we slept.
While Marty was cleaning out one of the raised beds, he came across an egg that over-wintered, nestled under a bunch of dried tarragon.
At one yard sale I found three old typewriters. These two are quite worn but have glass keys. Not sure what I will do with them, yet.
The case of this 1940's Sterling typewriter is a little beat up but the actual piece isn't too bad. The keys on this are celluloid and metal. I will try to share some of our other finds tomorrow.
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