Where Bloggers Create Party 2013. Tour my current studio here.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Creative Signage

As those of you who have visited the shoppe know, there is a great deal to look at in a small space. Although organised to the best of my ability, I felt some things needed a little more clarification. So, I was going to make little signs to put on my "Clip-it-up" stands to guide folks to what they want to see. That little idea turned into a few lovely days having fun just creating to my hearts content. This one is on the rack that holds my handmade cards and tags.
I made each pair (one for the front and one for the back) different and played with a few techniques and colours I don't usually use. This is on the rack with my rubber stamps sheets.
This crown graces the rack with all the Victorian scrap pages. The other side has a banner that says "Dresdens."
Sorry this turned out fuzzy. However it speaks for itself. Have you made a fun crown for yourself? Indulge! You'll feel like a queen!

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