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Monday, February 1, 2010

Another Studio Peek

I was able to spend a few hours in the studio this weekend and actually got something accomplished.
I'm sure you all have accumulated things and ways to accommodate your creative fodder over the years and after so many years, you stand back and see a hodge podge of perfectly serviceable items but still a hodge podge. That's what I faced when it was time to put everything back where it was after the floor was completed.
These plastic shoe boxes are great. they are sturdy and see-through so you can easily find what you are looking for. However, over the years it has been impossible to get the right number of bins with all the same coloured lids. So, the end result is fine but not very cohesive.
Well, when I was in Wal-Mart last week I came across bundles of white storage boxes in various sizes. I bought just one package to see if they were of decent quality and was happy to see that they were quite adequate for my purpose.
Above are a variety of boxes. The ones with the little label holders on the front are from Ikea. They are wonderful but Ikea is some distance away. I acquired these boxes over a number of years and Ikea likes to change out heir designs slightly which kind of bugs me.
They all sit on what remains of shelves from our old house in the walk-in closet. I had Marty cut them in half and they sit nicely under my work table. Accessible but out of the way.
These are the boxes from Wal-Mart. They hold a fair amount and line up so nicely. I wrote on the front of the lid what was in the box with pencil, so it can be erased if things change. I was able to properly sort and amalgamate items as I went through each box too which will make for more efficient work later. Aaaah.

There is still much to do. As I have come across little bits of trim or seam binding, I have tossed them into a pile to be put into the right places once all gathered together. There is also a pile of paper items waiting for me to get to the filing cabinet. However, this seems to be working as I go through everything and decide what to part with along the way. There is a big garbage bag at the ready as well. Very satisfying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay I totally love the cohesive look of those white boxes on your studio shelves. Amazing.


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