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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

And The Rain Rain Rain Came Down Down Down

Saturday afternoon it started to rain. No biggie.
It also rained all day Sunday. Sort of steady.
Early this morning I woke to what sounded like buckets of water being tossed at the house. It was unrelenting. My poor gardens are looking a little ragged. These flowers were standing four to six feet tall before the deluge. The hummingbirds and bees just love them. They'll have to fly pretty low now.

Joshua and I did a walkabout to make sure that things were draining properly. No problems there. Over near the pond there was a "new" pond forming where we used to walk! It felt like it would never end.

Just a couple hours later, the ground was dry and the dogs were out enjoying the sunshine!

Odelia has no concept of sharing and if only she could really hold all the balls at once.

However, Gumdrop is much more agile and quick when it comes to sneaky moves and she always gets her ball nonetheless.

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