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Sunday, April 15, 2012


I was watching these pigeons on the barn roof the other morning. We have an owl figure to scare away birds in that area, but they don't seem to care. They like to hang out on the barn roof.

With my old camera you had to wait a few seconds between pictures for it to catch up and take the next photo. not now, this isn't some super fast camera but it seems to do the job.

We had a very busy weekend and the weather was grand. Got lots of little things done.
I hope you had a good weekend.


DVArtist said...

Great shots. We have a huge pigeon population here.

Evlyn said...

It's impressive that you can take shots so quickly. Great camera. I am not fond of pigeons because they foul my deck and front stairs. I know what you mean about them not being afraid of anything (in your case, an owl figure). I try to shoo them away constantly but they just stare at me.


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