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Friday, February 27, 2015

Special Surprises

 I got a call from someone I'd not heard from in years. She was cleaning out a relative's home and had thought of me! Perhaps I might want some items still too good to toss? What would you say? Of course! What a privilege. How thoughtful!

 When we finally met up she said she had three small boxes. Well, the boxes weren't so small!  They were full of a great variety of vintage treasures. Above are tea towels, aprons, and pillow cases, as well as that wonderful runner with heavy embroidery.

             Here are some of the lace and crocheted pieces and a few hankies.

 A cotton collar, gloves, full slip and a few crocheted bodices from old slips or nighties.

 An old Colliers volume with heavily textured cover, some vintage cards, shelf paper and a wee book from China. I love the graphics on the tack boxes. The long red tube out front is actually a firecracker from Amway with two unused lip balms inside!

 Some kitchen treasures:  an egg lifter with red wooden handle, some celluloid handled cutlery, a strainer and tin scoop and a enamel scoop, and some measuring spoons. The piece at the top appears to have come from an old gramophone.

     Pretty pieces of porcelain. Some perfect, some no so perfect.

 An advertising mirror, silhouettes coasters, incomplete nesting dolls, flower frogs and a clock crystal. Such fun!

 Salt sellers anyone? A wonderful metal box, cheese keeper and press-mitt.

            A doll's dress and some lovely old polka dotted lace yardage.

                                                   More box love. Worn but lovely.

 A set of children's toy dishes, made in Japan. The cutlery is made in Germany and has a teddy bear on the handle.

The box top is most interesting. It outlines clearly how to go about having a good and proper tea party. There were a few other items but they will make the perfect gifts for some special people.  Thank you!


Ronna said...

Woot woot! What a fantastic melange of stuff. I blew up the tea towel/apron page to get a better look.
Love all the cutlery and the china tea set too. What fun!

kathyinozarks said...

oh wow! what treasures-so glad she found a good home for these-so many people just toss items like these-enjoy!

September Violets said...

Wow! The list of things you received just kept getting longer and better as I read along! This is how it was when I cleared out my parents' home. The things I found. I couldn't possibly have kept it all, but it was hard to pass some of it on to goodwill. I love the etiquette rules for a tea party ... something like this could be copied, framed and put in my kitchen to remind my men how to behave ;)


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